Wednesday, June 28, 2006
hmm, remember when we were young then in pri sch, we were always FORCED to write boring compos such as my ambition and blah blah blah stuffs.
It was quite easy with my ambition cos it was just an ambition, didnt really thought of it so seriously when we were young. But now guess it's time to make the right decision.
and its hard to make.but well this proves that I've already grown up =) always wanted to make BIG decisions when I was young, I didnt have the right to eat maggie mee when I felt like it cos my mum restricted my diet.
Hahas, how funny it seems, maggie mee used to be the BEST and DELICIOUS dinner I ever had then came campbell's mushroom soup, remember how I used to scrap off the last drop of soup.
Really miss those days =)oh yah, I've always wanted to be a fashion designer when I was younghahas, but dreams do change cos they're hard to chase.
1:56 AM
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I spent the whole day watching tv at home =) actually it feels GOOD cos in the past hardly had the time to spend a whole day watching tv, yep I watched Pirates of the Caribbean and High School Musical on Disney channel today! now I understand why qi want to watch the upcoming movie le cos the part one version is really nice!!!! High School Musical was not bad too, it reminds me of my sec sch days =) Yep yep, I tried making waffles with my maid today =( but it was successful, was thinking that the waffle-maker hasnt been used for a long time but it turned out real bad HAHAS. I'll be making banana cum cholocate muffins for my friends tml cos I'll be going back to NYP, I've ran out of strawberries =))))
9:59 PM
I missed word-for-life lessons today due to the fact that I overslept! I've decided to bake strawberry muffins on monday morning cos will need to go NYP then can pass my muffins to pras, moon and nadirah! To let them know that maybe I've already withdrawn and am longer by their sides but my heart will always be with them. =) had great fun at church today! cos there was kenny and evan's friend, they're great company! then kenny felt weird weird de cos he was quite quiet but NO WORRIES he enjoyed himself and I welcome him to my church anytime! but of cos must be on saturdays lor cos service's always on sats! neways.. I like that song 'santuary' by CHC alot! it's really nice! waiting for the CD to br relaesed =) and okay hahas if Pam was there, she'll definitely feel like whacking some guy cos he was wearing the white frames! WAHAHA =) I love my church! I love GOD! wahahahaha... he's amazing!
12:04 AM
Friday, June 23, 2006
If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.
9:19 PM
actually I cant bear to leave my course cos of my friends.
they have been great supports to me and no matter wat our friendship will never change.
Yep, I took the withdrawal form home today, and I'm soon-to-be out of NYP.
It's now then I realized how hard is saying goodbye. No doubt, I'll miss them a lot.
All I can do is wish and pray for them =) may GOD take good care of them and wish them success. My Classmates, each and very one of them are definitely gonna be fine nurses.
So in future, when I'm sick must take care of me wor =) I love my friends to bits and pieces =)
I went back to sch with Pam today for withdrawal purposes. It was then when we realized the many small details of our school like the words at the foyer which says Nanyang Poly. Hmm, maybe letting go is too difficult le. Though it isnt the last time I'm stepping into Nyp but it just happened that I've learnt to appreciate my school and friends more.
Then we went PastaMania for dinner, we chatted and laughed alot like the good old days.
Maybe work has been keeping us too busy that we hardly lunch and chat like in sec days =)
but I'm glad to have a friend like PAM =) be honored hahas.
12:27 AM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Me and pam are gonna withdraw from NYP tml =)She cant stand DMD, neither can I stand nursing.Actually, nursing doesnt really suit everyone thusnot any tom.dick.harry can make it as a nurse.therefore, all the more we should appreciate nurses.Really do admire my classmates alot,they will DEFINITELY make great nurses.Good Luck guys ALL THE BEST =)Actually intended to drop by rp today but didnt cos found out that none of the course suits me.
Decided that I'll choose either some business course or tp's apparel design and merchandising.
Since young, I've always dream of being a fashion designer =) though it sounds alittle impossible but I've already set my eyes on Temasek Poly.
I dropped the choice of ECE cos it doesnt really seem to suit me so much, besides
once bitten, twice shy, thus when everyone tells me that I dont suit ECE, I should listen.
Neways, sat's church service is gonna be special, hope Nick comes cos I'm tired of asking. Yippie, Ant's coming too =) really hope pam will come too but I respect her decision.
I went shopping with evan today, we did our nails, woah hers cost 40 bucks! but its real nice!
That's all for today, like my new blogskin?
11:38 PM
Sunday, June 18, 2006
hmm, to add on to my previous post, we had loads of great fun. I think there's this particular bond bringing all the S10-ies together cos the PAE was only a short 2 months thingy and yet we are all still so close as ever. But really hope the flame within us will keep on burning.
Nevertheless, I'll continue to pray for each and every one of us.
Yep, ytd's word-for-life classes were damn long and I almost fell asleep, the room was super cold too, the class was quite small but overall I did learn some useful stuff afterwhich was service. Next week's service gonna be a special event, really hope my friends whom i invited can make it. Kinda disappointed when Nick couldnt make it for ytd's service well cos I was waiting for his reply.... But nvm, really hope you can come for my upcoming service =) get to play games, know more ppl and tada! of cos get to know GOD more. The feeling of seeing young non-believers recieve Christ is definitely one of the best thing that could ever happen. And yep stories of those whose lives have been touched by GOD too! it's really fascinating! Neways Jiahui's sick so hope she'll get well soon!
Take Care Ppl!
"Ask and it will be given to You; seek and You will find; knock and the door will be opened to You. For everyone who asks recieves; he who seek finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." James 7:7-8
2:48 PM
Saturday, June 17, 2006
we had our S10 outing today though many ppl didnt turn up but it was quite fun. hahas, firstly me and yong took a train to cityhall, whoa she waited for me at bishan mrt station then when I saw her carrying a big red plastic bag I was like '-_- then she said it was fried rice hahas that day I thought she was just joking abt bringing fried rice. The funniest thing is that on the journey she kept asking me "cheryl, I very smelly hor?" then if I say YES very smelly then she'll say " I burst your _ _ _ _ hor" then if I say NO you dun stink (like real) she'll say "Really arh?" then I'll reply "NO, FAKE-LY"... phew hahas there was some kinda sweat smell most prob cos she just finished her bball training bah.
After much walking, we reached to Citylink and almost on our way to Esplanade. Then luckily we saw the grp of S10-ies walking out, then we made our way to Carrefour (correct spelling?) yep the ONLY GUY WHO HELPED TO PUSH THE TROLLEY WAS NIGEL =p the rest of the guys were MIA then afterwhich me, yong and qi went ard comparing prices of the bread and cakes!!! So like aunties at market. We were so excited when the sushi were on offer. I so badly wanted cheesecake but had to watch our budget! so we took the 2 bucks Pandan Chiffon instead- it sucks maybe that's why it ws so cheap.
Then after buying, hehes this is the corrupted part we used the 5 bucks change to buy ice-cream =X hahas.then we walked and ate happily on our way back.
Then suddenly that scary gabriel appeared out of nowhere.
The Esplanade part was quite fun cos we sat on the floor and blocked the passageway, but we didnt really care until I killed a 'xiao qiang'- then cockroach. (to-be-continued)
cos now rushing off for WFL classes.
9:58 AM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
we were too bor liao le...
(ah!! I dun want to end up to be chicken nuggets!!! quoted by CHICKEN)
(scene 1: somebody's trying to steal all the food with her crawling eagle skill)
(scene 2: OUCH, how dare you poke me!!! evil evangeline)
(CLOSE-UP! see she's smiling while poking me!!! how EVIL!)
(scene 3: hmph.. you think I care???!!! an eye for an eye)
(scene 4: want fight! FINE!)
(scene 5: hehes, TAKING MY REVENGE!!!!!)
(scene 6: how dare you tempt me, you EVIL MONSTER!)
(scene 7: FINE, FAIR and SQUARE!)
(scene 8: let'ss BE GOOD FRIENDS =))
10:52 PM
my gum hurts... cos of the BIG AWFUL ulcer.. sob sob...
10:22 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006
hahas. I spent the whole day watching my fav taiwanese drama "devil with me", its a really nice love drama okay not really love but friendship as well.. the show's really nice and rainie yang's really a cute gal =)
but her song (ai mei) keeps playing over and over again, sounds alittle irritating throughout the drama.. hehes but the lead actor is so COOL!!!
yep the show's kinda full of twists and turns so its worth watching cos I spent a bomb on it!!!
gonna see my S10 members soon, I'm looking forward to it =)
thanks nadirah!!! hehes... braces arent so soon to come cos loads of procedures to do =) but when I put braces le.. I want eat your spongecake and porridge =)
LoVe S10
11:57 PM
Saturday, June 10, 2006
I'm keeping to my new resolution to update my blog everyday or as and when I like it. Yep, I'm gonna miss church service today cos I'll be going to a bday party later!!!!
okay fine, the bday boy is only two yrs old so yep
maybe 15 yrs later he might actually come across my bday dedication to him cos he's way too young now
Neways I went to shop for Jayden's bday present at robinsons ytd, I kinda hate shopping for children stuffs, okay so mum bought him a jumper suit and a shirt from thomas and friends (you know the train cartoon)
yep and I saw spongebob, he's only for a great price of 39.95!!!
woah! I wanted him but guess if I were to ask my mum to buy him for me she might think I'm nuts....
I'm going for my X-ray on tuesday.. counting down, finally gonna get some straight teeth...
1:27 PM
Today Ms Doreen praised me for my IO (Input&output) chart, it was neat work =) but actually when she didnt return my paper I was pretty frightened cos did last min work and I helped pras and moon do their charts so was kinda scared that Ms Doreen will find out... But all's well =) thanks to GOD =) you know sometimes I feel Life w/o GOD isnt Life mannn =)
neways I baked these HORLICKS DOGGIE COOKIES ytd...
ms evan gave it a miss

are the cookies cute??? hehes...
12:41 AM
Thursday, June 08, 2006
today had a really sleepy day... I didnt go for caregrp, kinda regretted it,
kenny you know wat happened... Goody news is that S10's gonna have an outing soon and its really soon!!!!! Coming friday the 16th, I really think that zhenhui's a little crazy today from the way we all chatted, neways no worries lahs, just wanna let ya know, backstabbers are everywhere just depends on how do you react to the situation, best thing is ignore cos I think confrontation's alittle too hmm, too implusive, neways no worries S10 will support you all the way, I'll help you da xiao ren one kk? As for Mr Birdie, wat did I said just now, the one on I've changed, its for real!!! nvm, I'll let actions prove it to you... still remember the times when you told ghost stories at east coast, everyone was so frightened!!! but it was fun though and that time you and qi tricked me at downtown east!!! hahas, I really miss you alot for you're our S10's cotton farm's member and our birdie!!! the one who does all the kuku stuffs, you know!!! neways, suddenly I miss my S10 mates so much, okay okay, love your neighbors as yourself, ren bin, you take care too!!! Denise, enjoy your camp k? you maybe be cramped with hmwks but just bear with it =) you'll have my support, if you need me, I'll be there.. MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!
I'm proud to be a member of POK family!!!
and wanqi, bertram, yong, zhenhui, ren bin, you guys do well for your midyrs kk??? I'll pray for you ppl...
=)have faith
10:38 PM
pam's going hk, so lucky... but do have a safe journey and have fun!!! TAKE CARE my dear friend =)I'm rotting at home, sigh sigh, not that theres nth to do theres loads to do, gotta revise my stuffs cos when term break ends, its major exams time.. look how pathetic I am, b4 term break starts, I'm already thinking wat will happen when it ends!!!! neways, I love qi, cos she's so sweet, hehes her blog song is specially for me =p blah hehes dun jealous wor!!!That bertram arh, never reply my msg -knocks his head- bad birdie!!!!P.s:Yoghurt Ice-cream is back at NYP, yippie!!!
9:00 AM
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
It's 5 lectures for my test and guess wat, it's less than 6 hrs to it yet I havent even finish studying a damn thing... sigh... I hate tests...
9:15 AM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
now typing my entry in the library using moonie's lappy =) hmm, long time never update le, well loads happened these days, having a very impt test tml, now mugging like nobody's business hehes but weird lahs I seem to enjoy it!!! Evan says that I'm so sadist, actually not really, hehes nowadays love seems to be in the air yeah~~ everyone's telling me abt their crushes =) but somehow I feel NYP guys really CMI, for ur info, none's nice-looking, not anyone I've seen so far wahaha... I'm evil.
Neways I just saw Bao Ling in the lib just now, been running into every now and then, this really shows how small NYP is hahas, the food isnt really nice too.
Neways hope you guys enjoy the design of my new blog =) it took quite some time to get it done so do appreciate and wish ME luck for my test tml, though I havent finish mugging!!!!!

Wahaha!!!! crapping in the lib

Pras and me =)
5:59 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Had caregrp yesterday, yep it was great cos we celebrated JiaHui's bday, vanilla cake, but the cake was damn ex lor =( but tis worth it cos it's for Jiahui (hehes) neways we had a new member, she's a malaysian her name's Phoebe. Hahas, she knows me but ytd was the first time I saw her =) I got a belated bday gift too hehes, it was a notebook with all the wishes written by all the sisters and brothers but guys, the design is alittle too messy =/
but its okay.
2:28 PM