Sunday, July 30, 2006
Weird as it seems.
or maybe POSTPONED sounds better?
okay I'll start off supposedly me, moon, pras, arlene and blah blah were supposed to play tennis yesterday (saturday) but it was CANCELLED/ POSTPONED.
secondly, today (sunday) supposedly I was supposed to go for pras's dance performance but it was CANCELLED. can you believe it? a dance performance CANCELLED?
1:23 AM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Alright, I'll update.
haven't been in the mood for the past few days but I'm alright, well thanks guys I'm fine, who doesn't have upsetting times right? still life goes on.
I had my first tuition session with the two little boys. HAHAS the older isn't that cute because he's really very lazy. I spent 1.5 hrs teaching the younger boy-andy (he's K2) 5 words! It was damn exasperating, the words were BRUSH, BROOM, BREAD, BROOCH, BROTHER.
okay fine, I started out teaching him the first two words. At first he managed to get BREAD correctly but after teaching BRUSH, I asked him to spell BREAD, he then said B-R-U-E-D (wat a word!) but he was very cute though so decided to reward him by telling him a story:
THE RED FLOWERS. hahas, that's my favourite story.
Here it goes.
Mr Topper's a gardener, all the flowers he grew was all RED.
His garden was full of RED flowers, he tried growing bluebells but they turned out RED instead. He was cross indeed that he could not grow flowers of green, blue and yellow.
One day, the King passed by Mr Topper's garden and was amazed by the red flowers. Thus, he invited Mr Topper to his palace to grow red flowers in his royal garden. Mr Topper was elated then he changed from his old and full of holes red gardening hat to his sunday hat. He hopped into the King's royal coach and was on his way.
Upon reaching the garden, Mr Toppers started weeding and planting the flowers. To his amaze, the flowers turned out to be every colour except red. He looked at his strong spade, fork and rake but they had nothing wrong then he checked the soil but they were rich enough to grow flowers. Mr Topper was scared that the King would be unhappy about it and the King was very cross indeed as he said "Grow them once more, all must be red". Then Mr Topper was very upset and went home.
The next day, Mr Topper was so upset that he forgot to change his old red gardening hat into his sunday hat. He started planting the flowers again.
This time, Mr Topper hid behind the garden shed and peeped at the garden, hoping red flowers would grow. Wow, the garden was really full of red flowers. "Hooray, Horray" cried Mr Topper as he jumped. Just then his red hat flew off his head, the flowers then immediately turned colour- green, blue and yellow except RED. He then quickly put on his red hat again, the flowers all turned RED. The King passed by and said "Well done! How did you do that?". Mr Topper then said "It is a secret". A secret between Mr Topper and his red hat indeed. HAHAS =) nice story indeed.
12:25 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
dear ____
yeah, seems like we've been friends forever. though time was short but it doesnt matter, our friendship was still strong. but now it's falling, we don't agree on the same things anymore, you said No and would respect my decision, but NO you didnt, you went against it and spoilt our friendship. I won't be saying its all your fault because it takes two hands to clap.Once, I told you you were pooh (you insisted) and I was eeiyoh (did I get the spelling correct?) but I insisted on being tigger, we thought our friendship would last a lifetime. ( thats how I started falling for pooh and friends) it hurts to know that we no longer share the same tee, drool at cute guys, play basketball till wee hours, you don't know how hard is it to let go all these. they are memories, memories of a true friend and me. no doubt, we quarrel over the slightest thing, when I was caught in the rain but came back to look for you, then it was sunshine after rain.
I remember how you stood by my side and lent your shoulders as my tears flow endlessly, you gave me your lucky coin. tears continue flowing, you were worried, not because I was sad but touched. remember the times I made fun of you and the short guy but selfishly stole the taller one for myself. remember how we would spend our last cent on your favourite chocolate biscuits. remember how I told you that you were my best friend and you said the same too. remember how selflessly you would be to listen to my problems despite you were rushing your homework. you will always be my best friend;
just like the way pooh and tigger are and will be forever.
2:02 PM

we are no longer the good friends we were.
I intended to call pras-sy just now but dialled the wrong number.
here's how it goes.
me:hi, can I speak to prasana pls?
the weirdo:who?me: (think it was pras's brother) PRASANA!
the did I get the wrong number?the weirdo: er... er... nome: I think I got the wrong number
the weirdo: er can I get to know you?me: I really got the wrong number, good bye!
oh gosh what's turning singaporean guys.
12:23 AM
Friday, July 21, 2006
12:24 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006

we celebrated an advanced bday for pamela last night at my place.
actually it was planned to be at bishan park and 'hui hui', ant, aaron were SUPPOSED to come but birdie wanted to watch s'pore idol and the cake we made wasnt ready yet so we had it at my place.
Actually our cake was supposed to look like the one above or maybe slightly different because, I couldn't find strawberry puree so we made a mango one instead but it was unsuccessful. A TOTAL DISASTER (X hope pamela don't mind =) but we had loads of food: bee hoon, sausages, puffs, smiley harshbrowns ( the 3 little pigs wanted to eat before everyone comes hahas, how could you!!! the star havent reach yet then start eating!)
But the party was fun, hardly had a gathering with them. Too bad kenny didnt come because someone wanted to see him badly, kenny's popular right? HAHAS. Guess pam was quite happy with the whole thing though the cake was inedible. Most importantly it's that she's happy.
good luck bertram for your promos and pam! one day we'll go SHOPPING! hahas. miss spending money.
6:04 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
thanks guys I'm feeling much better.
when you're sick, you'll know how much it feels to be in good health. thats why we shouldnt take things for granted (X
9:56 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006
It feels terrible when you're sick.
I told the doctor to prescribe a
not-so-bitter cough mixture.
he gave me one that taste like alcohol .
12:57 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
I saw s10's Sandy yesterday during work. Found her familiar but I forgot her name =)....
(to be continued)
7:29 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
work yesterday was quite fun, everything went well, HAHAS. we didnt actually
work because
we were busy having fun pumping the balloons tying the balloons and of course giving out balloons to cute little kids,
but some kids actually rejected our balloons haha maybe like what pras said
acting mature. These kids cant wait to grow up but I cant help but wish to be young again =) being young is carefree! bet pamela will like the job =) tata, I'm going to work later.
2:14 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

a bunch of goody friends (x
1:33 PM
I'm starting work today =)))wish me luck!tata---like the song on my blog? hahas its my fav too!
10:42 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
havent been updating for long
I feel that my blog's boringI changed my blog add due to unwanted tags.
can't believe how come some people are so irritating and they have practically
nth better to do but to tag nonsense on my tagboard.
a bunch of idiots.I miss studying!
nadirah I miss you too *sobsob... I miss my classmates...
1:53 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
A smile
"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. " ~Mother Teresa
A Friend
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels
Pay attention to your dreams - God's angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep. ~Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994
5:49 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
okay as promised, I'll update about our yesterday's outing some other time.
11:07 AM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I'm so frustrated with the whole world!
11:12 PM
hahas alright I'll update kenny!anyways suddenly thought of one gp lesson during PAE, it was in the library, not sure if you guys still remember.It was something on 'how to manage your anger' or so.At that time, our group drew a PIG named BRYAN hahas.That was FUNNY.After which he was very embarrassed.Serve him right =pblahThen we went KBOX that day =)
1:20 PM