Tuesday, August 29, 2006
how cute can a someone be?
this cute!RICKY ULLMAN, he's sooooo CUTE

they're soooo compatible!
<3 disney channel
Ricky's cute
but he's alittle, just alittle short
3:41 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
YES I'm finally going to do some serious shopping :)
but I'm broke
11:18 AM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Have you ever had the feeling whereby your hopes are all high then POOF! everything's turned into smoke?
I was all ready and excited to go to the flea market (I havent been to one yet) then as I was leaving the house. I saw a msg which darn-ly appeared on my handphone saying- my friend cant make it. YES, as I was one step towards the door. I'm so irritated but who can I blame right?
12:09 PM
I need a job
desperately.how good if everything in the world is for
11:21 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
boo! sob sob
okay I just got
OUT OF JOBthe feeling's
5:13 PM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

yes, it's rainbow after the storm. I'm glad I've gotten my goodie friend back. I'm happy X)
1:13 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
HELLO, its me, CHERYL! CHERYL?! yah CHER-YL.okay, I was actually being dumb? talking to myself? hahas I always do that, don't you?When I first attended service at HOPE church, there was one girl who was ard a few years younger who kept turning back (she was standing in front of me) then she'll start staring at me. So when we went for lunch as a big group at the nearest foodcourt, she sat beside me and asked me, why wasnt I jumping to the music during service. I was like "ehhhh". okay, thats not the end and guess wat she's from the same dumb secondary school I was from and she said she's actually being discriminated in school cos she talks to herself all the time.
THE END-actually there's nth wrong talking to yourself in fact sometimes it's much better then talking to some backstabbers friends of yours who would prick on your comments and start stabbing u on your back, yep never share secrets.
2:25 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
THINK like you never THOUGHTbefore;FEEL like you never FELTbeforesounds familar?
12:41 AM
Monday, August 14, 2006
SHARYN :)To those who miss them loads =)))my photography skills sucks I LOVE FIREWORKS. hees.
8:16 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
mi lu bing won,
good for them.I had a weird weird weird dream last night
and something creepy happened to me last night.
hope it aint wat I thought it was.tomorrow's MOONCAKE DAY hooray~
11:13 AM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
life's like thiswell, I'm glad that yixin chose weixiang =)
9:13 AM
Friday, August 04, 2006
I really enjoy shopping with pam today =) it was fun, finally I bought something for myself and those envelopes were pretty and pretty expensive too. we shopped till my legs almost broke but I had my favorite mango juice- the oreo chocloate from sweet talk is quite nice, hahas remember that time pam came over to my place for tuition, then i made a really thick oreo chocolate shake, but guess it was quite okay =) miss those days whereby we had tuition in the living room, and my grandma's laughter cause the whole tuition to be so funny and of course, those times when we had to solve those stupid amaths questions like crazy! time passes really fast. but I'm glad to have a friend whom I've known since sec 1 =) and though we have already graduated we are still close friends. My pastamania partner :) and yesh SWEET SECRETS hahas.
alright, I gave tuition today and practically wanted to vomit blood. both kids were extremely naughty, well wat do you expect from boys right? the younger one pretended to cry when I scolded him so I handed him a piece of tissues, then when he wiped his eyes, he started yawning saying he's really sleepy, I myself was really tired too. but overall it was a good day afterall. the worse thing is that I travelled to bukit merah to find the book but library was closing by the time I reached. and I met a chek-ko man on the way home =/ wats up with those stinky old men nowadays?
I practically had a lazy day, my cousin msged me asking me to go to her hse on saturday to bake some stuffs, but I asked her wat does she want to bake when she doesnt have an oven at home. guess wat she said? she asked me to bring my oven over to her place. weird.yep I hope some ppl would really think before they speak because sometimes remarks made by them are really hurtful, wats more when they are your friends. I have been hurt by them many times, please!
12:00 AM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
here are some pics meant for
previewing purposes.

alrights, it's late yet I still can't sleep.
Money's hard to earn.
1:54 AM