Friday, September 29, 2006
I'm back
I talked to ms An on msn last night, it seems really great to know that I've a great friend like her, for we share a similar goal in life, same ideas and maybe a similar fate too. Maybe that's cos she's a gemini too =) thus we share a similarity in our character.
She's really courageous, I really do admire her.
For those who do not know, Chee An's my primary school friend hees.
and a good friend too, I remember she'll usually help me to plait my hair in sch :)
well as you know, little girls are vain.
We've known each other for like coming to 10 years, cheerios! I never had a good friend of so long years.
Actually, at times, I realized when life gets you down, all you really need is your friend's comfort :)
I really love Chee An!
11:54 AM
Monday, September 25, 2006
I've been too busy to blog these days, busy with my new online blog-shop, hees do visit kk? at
www.treaties-.blogspot.comThere are a few people I would like to thank for helping with my blog-shop, be it advertising, advising, support, ideas blah blah blah.
My mum, dad, rachelle, pamela and kenny :) yep thanks guys for being such a great help to me!
Though now's just the starting, but I'm sure to jiayou! yes I will. THANKS loads.
12:23 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I really dislike some people so what can I do but wish that they'll vanish off the surface of this
world or maybe just singapore, becos thats too mean :)
I finally know what's the worst thing in life-an ulcer argh........
I'm lazy to blog hees.

7:02 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
HELLO! it's my
first entry for today, till now I'm still unable to
sleep. there must be a hell lot of problems with me :) good morning!
4:06 AM
its my
third post for the day. I'm seriously suffering from
insomnia disorder!
YES finally getting some
sleep when it's dawn and there's
nothing nice to catch on tv.
12:57 AM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Just read
Bertram's blog, neways this is my
2nd post within the past
5 mins.
I'm taking
revenge for those
ugly pictures he posted on his blog. HEES.


2:47 PM
Firstly I want to welcome Pam back, hees, at last there's a recent tag on my tagboard.
I learnt how to play
English Chess last night, not really that I fully understand what's going on but at least, there's some improvement, I'm smart yah? thanks
2:29 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

this is what I've been busy with =)
it's really NICE! watch it.
11:54 AM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
can't imagine that some people can actually live without mirrors at homebecause they do
NOT have mirrors at home if not they wouldn't think that they are so
good-lookingwhen they are
NOTwas browsing through friendster, saw some pictures that I shouldn't see- nothing dirty.
but they're
especially somebody's pictures, he looks like a
PIG, if you know who I mean.
YES, I'm against someone, super-ly ANTI-him. he's the most
GROSS guy I have ever seen living on this earth.
don't do such stuffs to others if you don't want them happening back at you.
yah, you're making many of us
bet he
doesn't have a
mirror at home!
yours truthfully.
11:28 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

bet many of us have seen this picture for the
1965345338th times.
but never got sick of it because it brings back alot alot alot of
sweet memories.Actually my today's entry is kinda sentimental =)
okay, thinking of sweet memories there's 7 people I want to mention.
Pamelathe journey to sch was forever long and tiring but there was you to accompany, I remember how we used to walk that scary alley every morning but to find out that we didn't have to walk pass there, heees. and the times we start travelling when it was dusk, and when we reach to sch,
tada it's dawn =). of course, the nicknames we gave many peeps- sausage roll, 1.55, armour bag action pack!!! it's so funny how time have passed so fast, it has been years since we have been friends. remember the times whereby you sat beside me during physics lab, then I was actually pinching on food! hahas then that camel teacher always gave us questions that made no logic. Hees, those were sweet memories. yep I love Pam! =)
and I don't pi legs, hees.
YongYongokay this girl's naughty =)the first time I met yongyong was when she sat beside me. she was really scary hahas maybe because of the way she talked- loud and
un-clear =)
I'll never forget the boobs idea she gave for our first project!!! thanks goodness we didn't carry it out if not mr yew would have fainted in class!
and yong yong made me smell her stinky sweaty watch! oh gosh, it really stinked! hahas, then during maths lessons, she would put on that blur face and start scribbling. of course, the times we spent at the school's basketball court was more than what we spent during lessons. she's a nice friend =) except for that ah pek slippers hees, pam and qi should get wat I mean. and thanks for all the cards =) I love the them. Yongyong rocks the world =)
Wanqiokay this little girl =) she loves to tickle people sigh sigh. hees on her birthday we played a prank on her, =) by pretending that we know nuts about it esp me, I was evil. and wanqi is really naughty, she would tickle pamela on the journey back. but wanqi is simply lovable, the times when we went kbox after sch and ended up singing endlessly, jumping on the sofa, hees everyone thought we were crazy. and of course, how we gang up to talk back to that big big bully whose name starts with B- you know who I mean. and the times we spent making fun yongyong with felix, hees that time we really called him up. the memories were beautiful because of you wanqi! I love the fishball noodles as much as I love you, and yes I love the fishball noodles alot alot alot alot alot.
Kennyokay ant, remember the times when the few of us sat in front you during geography lectures, we knew nuts abt the countries on the map!and ant was sitting directly behind us. so we turned back and asked you about it because you looked quite smart, hees but in the end you gave that blur look back to us, saying you don't know how to do it either. then the animal game ant taught us, it was funny! and fun! ant, you make S10 a whole =) because of your nagging, many of us are going
deaf hees but of course getting more sensible too! thanks for being a nice friend.
SharynI don't like you because I love you!
I miss your dog and the times we went to your place to watch movie! I didn't understand the movie though =( but I love your place because got ang bao to take hees. sharyn is always crazy! yes all the time, I love the kbox singing with you! and the times we had S10 outing, and we both were the only ones taking bus, and you got the wrong bus stop!
blur blur then you had to go one big round and reached home much later. but I still love sharyn, because she cheers me up. and if I have one wish: I want watch fireworks with sharyn every year =) hees, she's cute. LOVE YOU!
Deniseso much for my betrayer =) the nick was given by me! but now its officially changed to you know what right? denise doesn't usually join us for our outings but she's still close to us as ever. every morning assembly would have been different without her cheerful smile! she hardly spend time with me =( heard that? heees spend more more time with me then! denise's quiet at first but then she became as crazy as ah niu =) am I right? but I still hugs denise for who she is.
Bertrammy first impression of this guy was really bad because he hardly spend time with us at first but gradually he became part of us =) welcome abroad! yes this guy is bertram, he's a really nice guy but please don't and never allow him to make sandwiches with yongyong! hahas, its inedible, don't blame it on the mayo =)!!! okay he's nice because he actually listens, yep to my problems. you and your cheryl hong lahs,
dream dream dream,the whole world knows about it! but life would be different without bertram, yep it would be more peaceful but until the extent that the peaceful-ness gets annoying! and he always wear red shirts aka heng heng-always =) he's funny! love you guys to bits and pieces.
Yes, that's all though I still have many more to talk about.
seriously, I have to tell you guys how much you matter because
life is really unpredictable and just to let you know, you guys rock my world. see you at bbq!
11:23 PM
I hate imposters! Get Lost!
11:26 AM
Friday, September 01, 2006
I'll never visit my secondary sch, not ever:( toothache
5:13 PM