Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas! =D
though it's kinda freezing now, but still Christmas is
great friends and families around.
I guess I had
too much of the chocolate fondue at jeff kor's party last night
that now my throat hurts badly and in addition to the freezing weather,
I'm getting
cough and
sore throat at the same time.
guess won't be too long. I'll get flu and all.
Neways (: I'm close to finish watching "
hahas! and I would love to re-watch it again!
well it's really nice =D I've always been addicted to
NICE shows and songs.
Lee Dong Wook (my fav <3) 
12:52 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
sometimes words hurt without one knowing.well actually I feel that
words are like water,
once thrown away, it can never be retrieved.
maybe the puddle of water may dry up on a sunny day
but it'll be back on rainy days.
it's akin to stabbing on the same wound over and over again.
when you're sorry it's too late.
is this what friendship is all about?
if so, I'd rather lose you than to have you.Dated 20th dec 2006today was a great day (:
cos I got my dream phone, yippie!
it's still charging yeps, have to wait for another 5 more hrs
before I can start using it!
had dinner with both pam and qi =D
love them to bits and pieces! it's great to know that you
have friends during the stormy weather!
I know they'll be there for me during the darkest days.
so afterall
girls understand girls better.we had macs for dinner, or rather
wanqi and pam had macs and I was busy eating
tutu kueh ( my fav <3)>
peanut or maybe chocolate filling =D
and I was talking real loud,
so malu.afterwhich we went shopping!
intensive shopping mode for
the present!
yay! I'm still thinking of what to get for the
princesses for christmas (: actually I have got a great idea now!
will start working on it tomorrow and!
I can't wait to watch the vcds my mum bought!
"my girl" yay!
2:35 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
well, time flies.
christmas's coming in like a few days.
actually I feel alittle upset but you don't have to care,
my friends around me have changed alot,
our friendship
aren't the same anymore.
I'm not trying to ask anyone to give in to me but
well I don't know, maybe it's a test of friendship
among us.
actually, I don't understand why I would feel that way either.
I'm just simply upset and disappointed.
well, lets talk about something happier (:
I'm meeting qi and pam tml!yay! I missed them like crazy =D esp pam!
haven't seen her for long.
well about friday, this time round.class outing isn't as anticipating as in the past.I don't know why either, maybethis time round, the planning of the class outinghas really given many's really disappointed to hear people saying"see how first, dun know whether I can make it"stupid, it's really dumb!who do you think you are? kings or what?I experienced such stuffs during the previous outings.Class outings aren't that easy to plan okay!so be content with what you have and stopcomplaining about outings when you haven't played a part in planning! actually I don't wish to say this butI really don't feel like going for class outing.becos I don't wish to see people I don't want to see.It's best we avoid each other like fire and water,you've got attitude problem.afterall, tomorrow will definitely be a better dayif I survive through today.
2:56 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I know of someone who likes someone but hasn't admitted it so far.
well maybe
it has already done the confession? I don't know either.
mail me for the lastest gossips (:oh well! no!
I don't gossip about my friends unless they're mean to beware! gossips kill.
anyways I shall blog about my
dreadful day today.
I went on a phone hunt today, becos you see
my dad recieved a $200 voucher for starhub mobile subscription..
so we went to j8's starhub,
wahlao, it's damn sucky lor.
I wonder what happened to the stupid service nowadays.
yah, they have the phone I want but it's not for sale "-_-
then why put it up?
so dumb.
afterwhich we went to singtel, that's worse.
yah they have the phone I want for sale BUT
they don't come with contract or anything,
600 bucks for a phone, no wayyyy!
we (my dad and I)
went to PS's starhub, the queue was damn long,
well the whole world's using that stupid 200 bucks voucher.
AND the phone I wanted was $459 or sth ard there,
so happily thinking that I can get the $200 off- what a bargain.
so I went to join the queue.
the receptionist guy was okay-looking but superb gayishthen we joined the damn queue on B2. decided to walk about
and find sth to munch on while waiting for 12 people ahead us.
we happened to pass by singtel,
guess what?
the phone's only $239 bucks
with my current contract.
I was damn angry with starhub lahs, jack the price andcheat my feelings! boo!I still prefer singtel no matter what, okay.
I saw my dream phone (: it was in stock!
in fact there are 2 dream phones which I have on mind.
one's 239 bucks as mentioned earlier, another's 400 dun know what bucks.
I was asking for ant's opinion on the phones (:
and I like N7390 too but N7373 as well.
but finally made up my mind to buy what's worth it.
neways stupid ant, never reply my msg on msn.
hahas heaven's angry too, cos when he didn't reply,the thunder and lightning came. wahahahaha!and to that someone: think b4 you open your big mouth.ben and jerrys sharyn! (:
2:42 AM
Friday, December 15, 2006
well I'm back to blogging every single day now.
not that I have NOTHING to do, fact is I have PLENTY
to do yet I'm too lazy!
okay okay I can practically give you a million reasons
why I hate going to VIVO city, not that I'm trying to make
things difficult but I really loathe going there.
1. VIVO is too big, yah as much as I hate suntec city,
I find it dumb to have such a big shopping centre since
singapore is so lack of LAND.
2. I got scolded the last time I went there, well
not that I dun get scolded if I dun go to VIVO but
I get more scoldings when I get there.
yah, just cos I couldn't find Carl Jr
everyone gave me that superb black face.
3. It's so far, if you can move the whole of vivo to
Bishan, maybe I might consider going there.
4. Finalised, I'll never step into vivo unless
you give me a million buck.
12:15 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
hello I'm finally back.
well been really busy flea-ing for the past weekend :(
had so much to do but
luckily there were my friends and crazy cousins to help me out
hahas! if not I'll definitely be dead by now!
the people there are quite nice, and I definitely enjoy
cursing people who just walk pass and dun buy a single thing from me.
those "see,see,touch,touch" ppl! irritating, but well it was a great experience
for me though, I have a whole lot of ppl to thank =D without
them there won't be my dreams.
You can say that I've finally understand the importance of
true friends and families (: they are the ones who stand by you when
the whole world doesn't, nothing's more important (:
though I inspire to be successful in my career in the future but
I will definitely make sure I won't neglect all those around me.
hmm, maybe it's because I was once neglected too?
but whatever it is! I really want to thank you guys!
I'm finally back home (: yeps nowhere feels better than home!
hees bet joel and rachelle miss me like crazy, wahahaha!
we'll play our lala stupid game the next time kk?
I'd really enjoyed my stay =D and I want a doggie :(
but my mum will DEFINITELY won't allow.
she says that I can get one when I have my own family in the future.
I meassaged crazy sharyn early in the morning telling her I want a doggie.
hahas, hopes her an an give birth to one then can give me.
11:32 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
can't believe time has passed so fast!
tml or rather today's the day =D
though I had to rush like mad, packing up stuffs for
flea-ing but nevertheless I still enjoyed it.
hahas, I think my stall's rather cute with all those
cute handmades made with loads of LOVE and
little cute imported charms.
and I'll be meeting yong is less than 4 hrs' time =D
dun tell you why!
secret secret.
2:47 AM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
My mum's forcing me to answer my handphone!
you see, my uncle has been calling me for the past few days
BUT I never did pick up any of his calls!
It all happened quite a few years back.
All these years he treated my grandma
so shabbily, almost wanted to hit her head with the
metal wok and just one month ago, my mum
said that he cheated my grandma's money and NOW?
my mum says that he has turned over a new leaf.
People change so fast can! so irritated, he had been
quite nice to me when I was young until I was like 13/14,
he started being really angry with me for NOTHING!
and now? he's calling me and trying to act as if nothing happened?
SORRY, I don't think it'll work for me. I simply can't accept the
fact that for 4 long donkey years, you haven't been bothered to
ask about me, and now? you want me to act as nothing happened
and chat with you happily? I really can't do that.
and I dun know why my mum's forcing me to answer his calls,
I had to start screaming before she would stop bugging me.
I'm damn irritated and I dun want to talk to him at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why can't mum understand my feelings?
you stupid adults are confusing me okay?
one min, you say this, the next you say that.
how am I to believe you?
someone, tell me what to do.
11:17 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sunday was definitely a great day spent with wanqi, sharyn and bertram =D
we had loads of fun at escape, hahas decided to blog about it now b4 I forget.
I think I'm really suffering from STM, most likely due to the sleepless nights.
Started off with our trip to pasir ris (: it was kinda far, thinking about make me
feel so disgusted, maybe. hahas, see! how much time were to be spent on travelling
if I get into TP. But the journey was fun with wanqi! who has a large flea market
hahas! secret secret. with monkeys!!!!!! and coconuts!!!! hoho, think she's gonna kill me.
I was kinda glad that I took my first roller coaster ride, not that I haven't sat any.
but those that I sat had to stop halfway cos I would end up crying like mad!
we took away wanqi's first time too, hehes first time on Rainbow I mean!
I didn't really dare to take any rides, but managed to gather my courage at last =D
I'm brave! hees, then we took rides on rainbow, went into haunted house (bertram stinks
like crazy!) hahas thanks goodness I didn't faint, then we took viking (I wasn't scared cos....
to be continued) and the water ride which was an extreme fear factor HAHAS.
Yesh! and GoldKart, when I was the driver and wanqi was my passenger,
I screamed like a mad woman again cos I didn't really know how to "drive"
especial;ly when we went down the slope, I was like ahhhhhhhh!!!!
Thanks guys for making my day (: I love you people so much!
yes, b4 I forget, I wasn't really afraid of viking cos there was a cute guy sitting
at the opposite extreme end, looking at him makes me feel so fearless!!! hahas, just kidding!
Afterwhich we went to town for dinner and to shop for my clay stuffs =D
thanks guys for accompanying me to town, even though everyone was tired after
a whole day of fun.
We had a big feast, jumbo noodles and supreme sushi!
Just read wanqi's entry, yep she's right, everyone's not the same anymore.
I think so too, but I still treasure the memories we had together.
No matter what, we'll still be friends forever.
12:11 AM
Saturday, December 02, 2006

hahas! hey hey my ben and jerrys, dun forget =p!
neways I will update my strapya pictures soon cos my cam's batt is superb low.
YAY, tomorrow's the day!
10:59 PM