Saturday, February 24, 2007

Chinese New Year has been
great~ so far (:
loads of goodies and red packets! and yes playing cards
my favourites!
But we haven't visit my dad's side family, haha
cos they said no need, any yes my dad's pretty lazy.
I'm quite touched actually, by my dad's side family.
Usually I would avoid reunion dinners with them, my mum
isn't really on good terms with her mum-in-law.
However, everything's going pretty well (:
glad so too! anyway I'm going to play more cards tonight hehehe!
and guess what? all the new year goodies have already washed my mind,
I forgot to call the dental to book an appt =/ haha, seriously la, if I can,
I would rather not extract my teeth and continue enjoying life the way it is.
I'm quite full of worries, I worry when I have no worries either.
so what's life without worries right?anyway mickey (: stay happy! not too sure what's going on, but the truth will come to light! I'm a loyal reader of your blogs (: hehehehe!take care~
2:41 PM
Monday, February 19, 2007
had a great CNY celebration today ^^
and it's the second time whereby I spent CNY with dearest wanqi (:
me and wanqi (:
we were trying to pose ghostly expressions but in the end..... HAHA
we were waiting for bus 13 at the bus-stop ^^
Cute Jayden!
it's me and my cousin (:and a few aunties in the background (do note)
my whole bunch of cousins~
my BOSCO WONG red packet by my mum (:hees! specially dedicated to I invited qi to my ah yee's place for CNY celebration ^^
and we had loads of fun, YES! we mastered the skill of making
muah chee too!
I love
CNY~~ yes, the goodies are all so yummy and people are partically nice during CNY.
but my
siaosiao auntie is still the same >< after all these time, she's damn funny la,
she doesn't believe that my long hair is for real, she thought I went for hair extension "-_-, oh please, as if I have the loads of cash to spare for such treatments, she even asked my cousin to pull my hair and to see if it's for real. People who have practically nothing to do are so
bor liao~
after wanqi left, I stayed at my ah yee's place till midnight, played blackjack with those aunties,
(shown in one of the picture). They were seriously very
irritating, to those who knows how to play blackjack aka 21 points, getting an "A"s and Queen, Jack, King or ten means a double payment, and a double "A"s mean triple right? oh no, they have their own dumb rules, when I scored double, they said no such rules >< yet they set up their own dumb rules that if you get 15 points, you'll have to get another card.
I played until there's a hole in my pocket :(
my mum and I lost 200 bucks.
turned off by them!
but well, besides what happened, I still feel great with all my ang baos (:HEHES!
1:23 AM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
here's wishing everyone a
haven't been blogging for quite some time that I have even forgotten the password
to my blogger account HAHA that sounds alittle dumb la
Anyway three cheers ^^ to the fact that I don't have to extract another two teeth
before CNY. yay~ which means I can enjoy my new year goodies!
but these days of too much pineapple tarts, loveletters, peanut cookies, kueh bangkit,
cashew nuts cookies and many more are making me sick =/
haha, you can hardly imagine how many cookies I practically pop into my mouth daily.
But well, CNY is still my fav part of the new year, not only the cookies thingy, but
cos I get all my ang baos (:
but well :( this year's gonna be different, we won't be going to ah ma's place already,
since she has already sold her house and now going MIA, my aunt says she went to thailand, but well another aunt shares a different story.
Sometimes, it's hard to understand what's on other ppl's mind.
and what the hell they are thinking about, how childish can they get right?
They tell us to respect our elderly but do they do the same?
well, enough of those ppl otherewise my wonderful new year mood's spoilt (:
3 days are going pass in a flash so I'm gonna enjoy myself ^^
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR to all my great family and friends
thanks for the new year greeting smses guys! love ya!
1:17 AM