Sunday, June 24, 2007
Decided to blog today (:
My holidays will officially come to end tomorrow ): shucks!
I haven't done everything or gone everywhere that I've planned to =/
and our project too, haha, not completed yet!
But nvm! I shall slack alittle after school tml (:
UK funfair! Yippie!
I seriously miss design's school chicken chop this holiday and of course!
not forgetting my chilli sauce guy (: gees!
Last but not least, I have already choosen my CDS!
hopefully I might get into either 5 of them otherwise what's the use of
choosing if you're placing in some "unknown" subject or sth.
11:14 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
I've just posted an entry on S10's blog.
This issue practically spoilt my whole mood today, wanted to blog about the fun I had today but I don't have the mood either =/
The post might sound alittle unreasonable,
but it's really exactly what I feel.
1:14 AM
Monday, June 18, 2007
It's so surprising to know that somebody wants to be me =/ yes!
she's trying so hard to actually "win" me BUT
I don't think she can even do that.
Firstly, she has already lost herself. Secondly, it's not easy to be me (:
I worked really hard to get what I got today, so it's like she has to work
EXTREMELY (I mean veryX infinity) to have such a stand =/
Amused that there's a Cheryl wanna be out there!
Anyway, I'm craving for more donuts ):
12:57 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
since the day I have changed to this blogskin,
I have been updating like every single day *hees!
I'm so bored at home that I can practically rot!
To those who know, I'm too broke to leave the house =/
if I ever do, I'll have to live on plain water and bread.
HAHA sounds pathetic?
that's how VERY broke I am!
can't wait to go to the UK funfair (:
or rather I have been there two nights ago BUT
I didn't have the guts to take on any rides,
finally =X I'm gonna take one really soon! seriously feel
like taking the ride that shoots tyou 360 degrees round and round,
haha! hopefully I won't be so scardy anymore!
what about our class outing? no more? ): ): ):
4:46 PM
I'm so disappointed :(anyway wanted to place a tagboard on this blog, but =/ I couldn't do it because I don't know how to! haha, anyway even if I have a tagboard, bet only my loyal reader will tag, shall not mention the rest!
Suddenly I realised I have quite a small number of close friends!
but at least a small number of them means that I will cherish them more unlike some people who don't cherish his/her friends!
don't reply my msg if you don't have the heart/ don't want to okay!
oh yes, and on a final note, I'm not jealous XD
I'll strive to find a much much much better one! you're not compatiable enough for me (: hees! I'm not jealous...................
1:16 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The queue for donut factory was as long as 3 hours >but I finally got my favourite flavored donuts!
you won't be able to believe this, but I ate 9 donuts yesterday HAHA
until I vomitted everything out. That's the outcome of being too greedy!
wanting to try every single flavor *hees!

my donuts <3
I like the white chocolate filling the most (:
but guess for the time being, I'll just stay a thin line away from donuts!
on a random note, food has been on my mind these days!
J8 has a new dessert shop selling my favourite sesame paste (mind you! it's from chinatown), but it still isn't as good as my favourite sesame paste from another store at chinatown :( so that I have to travel there before it gets sold out!

my sesame paste (: perhaps it doesn't look as good as it tastes! but it's really thick nice and good! that I had 2 bowls at one go! yummy!
last but not least, something really sweet from pam (:
thanks loads!
FRIENDS are people who will never abandon you when you need them.
6:38 PM
Monday, June 11, 2007
What are friends?they aren't people who you care for only when they're leaving you for good!I had a fun day today (: I wasn't as sad as yesterday! YEP!I watched "200 pounds beauty" at lay's place today! It was so touchingthat we both teared! It's right sometimes when you feel like crying, just cry, it'll make you feel better!I'm finally see-ing a ray of thin light in my life, I'm not okay, butI'm fine.I can't help but feel moody and stressed over school work/ project/friends/family/ classmates.I'm looking for forward to tomorrow! (:
1:44 AM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I can't help but to feel so sad over what's going on these days, if there was school, at least I won't have the time to think so much. In the first place why should I care?
If I were to choose between luck and happiness, I would be most willing to give up all my luck, at least I won't feel so sad anymore.
The people whom I call my family and friends, why must they be the ones to hurt me? Truely, I really don't know what to do, can somebody please tell me.
I hate growing up, I have to learn to control my emotions, I can't cry when I'm sad, I can't laugh when I'm happy, nobody will care if how much it hurts! perhaps life's this way.
Suddenly I thought of what wanqi said previously, I'm not having suicidal thoughts but I'm feeling the same way as she felt previously.
5:10 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
I'm feeling so sad today :(
I want to go out! can't wait to spend the day outiside under the hot sun (:
well, if you remembered, I mentioned about this song my sec 1 literature teacher talked about. Suddenly, I remembered what was the song about.
Actually it's about this father and son, when the son was really young, he has always wanted his dad to play with him, but his dad's busy with his work all the time, thus he didn't really make time to spend with his son.
As years pass, the son grew up and begin his working life, his ever busy dad began retirement too. Now, the dad's asking his son to just sit by his side and to chat with him but the son's always busy with his work.
Finally when the dad passed away, both father and son never had the chance to spend time together.
Sometimes, everything just keeps us busy till we might even start to forget those around us, what's more spending the little time with them.
6:42 PM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
These few days have been irritably bad!
I felt as if I went through a rollercoaster of emotions :(
I had to cope studying for my term test and many other stuffs at the same time! But whateva it may be (: I'm happy! My holiday starts officially today! yaya! term tests are over, don't have to worry so much!
I love the eng fund paper in particular! It was the best and easier among the rest! as for business and maths :( awww, forget it! XXXXXXXX
Don't ask me about my tests okay? I'll start thinking about it again and feel so stressed! It's my holidays, enjoy yours too!
And holiday means I will be able to meet up the S10 people soon!
I've already planned my holidays, *hahas! enjoy before I have to suffer again! Cheers to the Holidays!
6:43 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I had to post this otherwise
I can't let it off.
This bitch by the name of VALERIE ( spoils the nice name), bet you guys know who she is! She practically ripped off my works, I can name you a few! and guess what? she acclaimed herself as integrity! To hell she goes!
I bet she shouldn't have put her blog URL on her shop because she might scare those reading her blog!
Yes! to those who think alike as me! She's one big hell bitch! that copies and copies and copies original ideas and call herself the creator of her works! Oh yah?! like real! I seriously can't stand that burnt monkey anywhere near my shop!
Another thing, I found this webby selling pretty clay crafts quite long ago, and! she started way earlier than that monkey! Yet, that monkey crafts are so similar to tealeaf's! How awful right?
I bet everyone now knows who's the biggest COPY MONKEY!
urgh! but I should feel honoured (: that she's spying on my shop lately!
The name written on the top of WALL OF SHAMELESS SLUTS should craft VALERIE of SECRETS-SHOPPE (act cute)!
1:58 PM
Saturday, June 02, 2007
If I could ever make a wish for someone to disappear from this world, I would really wish he/she can just fade away! stop trying to act cute okay?
you're making me feel damn gross!
Oh yes (: on the brighter note, I haven't been shopping quite lately-saves money! and that I have gotten a pretty belated birthday from pam (: thanks loads! yes! 5 years of friendship and still counting!
I have like 3 tests coming up for term tests next week, can somebody please help me? sigh, there are sometimes I really wanna ask a few questions when in doubt, but just don't feel like disturbing others so usually I'll try to ask as few as I can (:
It'll make me feel better, well, sometimes studying really stress me out!
All the mixtures of emotions- sad, happy, angry, badly irritated!
Yah! I still feel that I don't know my classmates well enough =/
and I don't seem to like a few, maybe I have to know them better?
Stuck with them for the 3 years, what a life! BOO!
11:43 PM