Thursday, December 27, 2007
What the hell is wrong with the whole world?!
a YES is simply a YES, NO means NO!
is it so hard to just give a direct answer?
10:15 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I just realised that singaporeans are so unkind, especially that stupid bloody old man who just shoo-ed me away when I asked if he had change, oh pls! In the future if I see him lying on the streets caalling for help, I'll treat him the way he did! simply can't understand old people, they're so overly paranoid, thinking that the world's after their money, oh pls!
I was so irritated over this incident, urgh! *disgusted.
Back to the good stuffs, met up with my <3 today! (:
she's as crazy as ever! haha, haven't studied much today especially when
term test's in a week time ): shall do so tml!
I hate selfish and unkind people especially old people!
10:00 PM
okay, I don't know whether to go to sch tml for just 2 pathetic hours ):
but my friends will definitely go, they're really "kaisu" =X hope they don't read my blog often!
I'm starting to hate my maths tutor, he's really biased,
he'll remember you only when you do well in his tests.
It's kinda unfair trying to work hard just for that tutor =/
And definitely I hate it when ppl love to show off! *disgusted!
1:14 AM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
eh, I should be studying now since term test is like a week later =/

cute eh? (:
gotta show off my collection, it isn't complete yet ): still lack of
mr bumpy and mr christmas, little miss clever and another one (forgot which is it), hahahaha!
3:53 PM